I admire your ability to speak honestly with your children about such delicate matters. I don’t have children but I know so many parents who just give standard answers, I hope to be someone like yourself!

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Thank you, Clancy. I think the secret is to remember very hard how you felt as a child and honor that. I am parenting my children and the child I was. And always keep in mind that the information they do not get from you, they will get from someone else, someone else who could potentially be totally deluded. So be loving, understanding, and above all, accurate. They will cross-reference all the information you give them.

But to more juicier subjects, did you have a pillock phase? My sister describes mine as "Rebel without a cause," so now I am categorizing them:

1. Drama queen.

2. Rebel without a cause.

3. "Benny Hill"-like: Awkward and graceless who tells really bad jokes.

4. Silent garden gnome.

5. Annoying imp.

6. No one understands me, and I will be in my room writing deep shit in my diary.

PS: I also shout a lot, but I don't write about that here.

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Good advice, this time solicited!

I was definitely somewhere between 5 and 6 -- I unfortunately had undeserved confidence (arrogance) but also a penchant for solitude and writing (poorly), which definitely made me unbearable!

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Love is, never running out of Mirth and Catnip 🫂😁💙🐈🐈‍⬛🧘🏻‍♀️🌌🙏🏻

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From time to time 🫶🏻🤣

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