Apr 14Liked by Ana Bosch

Uff...piel de gallina...y más en un día grisáceo para mi family como es el 14 de abril.


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Melissa, un abrazo bien fuerte en tu día gris.

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Apr 14Liked by Ana Bosch

Moltes voltes he pensat en Ixe moment. I quan vaig estar agafant li la mà.... Lo que jo sentia, era que el cos deixa de donar-li suport, aleshores l'energia, l'ànima s'apaga, desapareix, es llibera, es transforma.... cadascú pensa el que pensa.... El sentiment és únic, indescriptible. I queda una força tan gran per detectar signes de existència de l'ànima, que puga confirmar que no se acaba. Que tornaré a detectarla, a reconèixer-les, a gaudir l'alegria del contacte.......en fi, una de les intimitats més fondes i doloroses, agradables, sentides, desitjables, agredolces, .....i tan reials com els naixements.

Un bes, gràcies per estes ocasions de pensament.

Et vull.

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La mort d’un ser volgut sol posar moltes coses en perspectiva. Vore la gent morir es una gran oportunitat per sopesar com vols viure la teua vida. Lo de on va l’anima… això que tu dius, cadasqú pensa el que pot. Un bes ben fort.

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No es la primera vez que escucho eso de que poco antes de morir, las personas parecen más lúcidas que durante la agonía. Recuerdo que mi abuela también experimentó algo similar un día antes de fallecer. Es como si nos dieran (¿quién?) un poco más de tiempo para despedirnos de ellos en condiciones.

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No es un fenómeno frecuente. Pasa, pero no mucho. Pero me gusta eso de que el cuerpo se “despierte” un poco antes del adiós final. La muerte es misteriosa.

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Yes, I apology, thought you were here, it is very hard in the States.

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We are immortals and when we “die” to this physical we go to the Creator who creates our soul and everything that exists, but we can go also to Hell if we choose Hell. You mentioned a SIDA patient, he should have received some spiritual consolation but America is so cold in the alleys of its health care system. And doctors so blind to the affairs of the soul that is pathetic if not painful.

Also as a doctor you should know that a person who is dying, hours before they get well for a while, it’s known that people who have being with mental conditions for instance, get lucid and totally articulated. People of faith knows how the spiritual realm works and how dimensional and sacred humans are, maybe you should become one, maybe you should let God, the one who created your soul, be part of your life. Doctors are special people, they are helpers of God when they try to save lives but if doctors also have the understanding of the spiritual world and be there for them in that capacity it would be a wonderful complete job. I’m sorry for the AIDS guy, I will put a prayer for him, it doesn’t matter it was a long time ago, in Heaven time doesn’t exist. Have a nice blessed Sunday!

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Hi Adri, thank you for your comment. A post is a short space to say many things so I am not really sure how to respond to your assumptions. I was talking about the physics of death, not what the patient received or not as spiritual consolation before he died. You mentioned i should become a spiritual person, I am not sure why you have assumed I am not one? You said I should know that all people get lucid before they died. I am aware it can happen (rarely) but as I mentioned, it was the first patient I saw dying. I will not go into what spiritual people know or think they know, I know nothing about other people’s true believes and I am in too much awe myself of the spiritual realm to assume knowing anything about it really 🤷🏻‍♀️.

I dont work in the US. Thank you for stopping by.

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