the thought of someday having to help my son with math homework has struck terror into my heart.

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My dear Anna, be prepared for the worst.

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This is a statement that is so true one has to laugh to avoiding crying: The only answer that comes to mind is how Isa, as expected, has started early in the teachings of patriarchy and is already at the tender age of 9, being paid way less than her male counterparts! 🤣

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I had to make a post of the math problem to exorcise it out of me.

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"Why order macaroni and cheese (they can have that at home when you cannot be bothered to cook; guilty as charged) when they could try a bit of pad-thai with prawns?"

UGH FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT. I want to shake parents I see doing this.

I feel like I see way less kids dining out these days than there used to be (pre-COVID, maybe?) and anecdotally, I know of a few couples who simply NEVER bring their kids out to eat because they can't sit still for 5 seconds.

Love the advice, as always.

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Thank you Clancy!

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Hello thereeee... Just one or two comments... why are you learning to be a teacher when you are a mum? And that is a hard enough job. What is the teacher doing? When you get to hard core maths derivatives, integrals etc... your hard saved money will pay a tutor. I say this after one memorable 5 hour sunday morning trying to do ONE exercise... ONE to help S. We got it wrong and he had 19 more to do. He said he wanted to cry in math's class. So we got someone expert to the job (another discussion to open is again what was his teacher teaching?). And going to a restaurant is an apocaliptic skill, if you do it properly you most likely will take turns to eat with your partner to "watch out", will learn to breath like a yoga master and will learn to wash stains like the best washing machine. Nice practice...

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Yes, my pension money will go to a math tutor… I also wonder, but some children struggle more than others, so I sit by him and calculate how much money Isa got 🥴❤️

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Don't worry... Isa got the same money... with the proper teacher they get there fast... and she also got the advantage of having a brother that remembered how to do it. She has two tutors, one of them readily available at home...😆

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First of all…i appreciate the shout out.

I actually had a follow up with my 6 year old client to teach him how to voice act/narrate the book he wrote and it was hilarious to watch his mothers reaction to my methods of keeping the attention on the task and not whine for his IPAD.

The thing I love about teaching children is catering to the individual learning styles and finding their motivation to explore and exceed their own expectations.

I think your article just wrangled me back to the Stack to write about this very thing. 🤓

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Thank you for the update on Chosen! I was really moved by your story. I think you are spot on about how children find their own way to learn. I love witnessing that.

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We have a long trip today and your post has strengthened my resolve to not resort to a movie in the car for the kids.

We’ll talk and when the conversation runs dry will play the album “let’s go everywhere” by medesky, Martin and wood. If you’re not familiar they are a great jazz band that decided to make a kid-focused album. The title track and many others are fantastic

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Music to my ears! In car trips I play “ let’s count trucks” but they are small and find that amusing. Then colouring books are big for our plane trips. And since I’m so darn good at ignoring them they manage boredom for up to 20’ slots pretty well 😬🤭

I will definitely check the album out, we love some jazz at home! Thanks for reading!

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