Welcome to Mirth as Medicine

Hello there!

My name is Ana. I am a Spanish medical oncologist who works in Sweden.

In my quest for a good life, that will invariably end in death, I have found that joy hides everywhere. EVERYWHERE. You just have to go and search for it.

And this is what I try to convey in my lighthearted musings.

Why subscribe?

You may not have the time to read short stories about everyday life. But reading enlarges the soul and gives perspective. Reading my ruminations will also provide you with five minutes of leisure, and, who knows? maybe even some inspiration to write down your own.

In any case, and regardless of the outcome, we all need more leisure, even if we have no time for it.

What can you expect?

You can expect my thoughts for almost anything except politics. There are plenty of people out there overpaid for their political analysis, so I am not going to start doing it for anything. But I will talk about life, death, pets, children, beauty, close encounters with weed and crappy boyfriends, schooling, learning languages, book reading, faith (or lack thereof) and my take on what it entails to have a “good” life. I might even dabble in some fiction writing. I will not give cancer treatment advice because this is not a medical newsletter.

You see, happyness is not something you are owed, it is something you owe to life. So from there stem most of my opinions. It wasn’t always like that, I was also once a deep-thinking soul-tormented teen and twenty year-old. But thank goodness I grew out of that phase.

All opinions are my own, but you are welcome to adopt them wholly, partially, or not at all. But all in all, my intention is to keep it, light, simple and merry (for the most part). If you are looking for something more somber and weighty, turn on the BBC.

Joy, joy, joy everywhere.

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Confessions of an Opinionated Oncologist


Expert on unsolicited advice. One can find joy even in the shittiest of places.